It’s becoming more challenging to make a living, doing what truly makes you happy. Every industry has been hit with the current economic state of our nation. Those dream jobs are harder to achieve and the competition is severely fierce. I’m not saying the hope it gone--- it’s just now solely up to YOU, to make it happen. No more easy in’s and certainly the job will NOT find you.
A couple of thoughts, if you’ve found yourself miserable in your job, or currently on the job market.
You are replaceable. Even though we’d like to think, “They can’t do this without me”…guess what, they can and they will. Business is business and at the end of the day it’s not about your feelings, it’s about the bottom line. Be the best you—offer them something that sets you apart. Like a nice butt… kidding.
There is no such thing as a free lunch. This goes for landing that job. It takes A LOT of effort, rejection and continuously hanging tough. Be aggressive. Follow up with the resume you sent, if you haven’t heard back. You have every right to know the status of your application. Send hand-written thank you notes to recruiters and interviewers… they WILL remember you for that. And be creative about it. Tell them why they need to hire you, don’t be generic.
You will not get your dream job thought the internet. Network. Find out who knows someone—even if it’s the janitor. Your resume will be one out of hundreds, so don’t let yours be at the bottom of the pile. If you resume get’s passed/hand delivered, you have now increased your chance for an interview by 80%.... seriously.
Secure your online reputation. Be sure future employers cannot access your personal photos, wall posts etc. Do you really want them to know you’re a wino and have been known to dance on tables? No. It’s not their business and so, you need to be sure you don’t make it theres. Also make sure your online professional info is current and relates to the positions you are applying for.
Stand out. If there is opportunity to mail your resume packet in- do it. Also send in a digital copy. Create a package that is unique, relevant to the position, creative, memorable and will impress. At the end of the day, they will base their decisions on your experience and if they like you. If they think it would be fun to work with you. Even if you’re not fun, make them think you are. Here is an example of a resume packet I created:
May I wish you the very best of luck. Creating a life that you adore and one that is fulfilling. Don’t give up. The more you put out in the universe, the more you get back. Being tenacious will get you what you want.