Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year, New Project!!


Experience is what defines us. Who we were, where we are, and how we’ll end up, is determined on the ‘tid bits’ of knowledge we gain from experiencing daily life. We learn from each other, share thoughts and nowadays, stalk each other on Facebook. I wanted to create a project and a place for all to do just this---- share, contribute, inspire, listen, teach, learn and simply be relatable to others. Let’s see how much we have in common---- Can you relate??

I encourage any and all contribution to topic discussions; as this is the purpose of this blog. The more ideas we have, the more functional the site will become--- Need a recipe to melt a man’s heart or some words of the wise? If you would like to suggest a topic, please feel free to email me @

My most sincere thank you to those of you who participate. There are too many “good” things out there, to not share with the rest of the world…. I always say, “I should write that down….” Well here I go, writing it down.

Peace & Love


PS: Topic #1.... Since modern technology has made things more accessible-- do you have an idea or a project that you've been meaning to do? Like create a recipe book with moms home cooked creations or get a digital address book together for family and friends?

Can you relate?

1 comment:

  1. Hmm I've been meaning to really do this Skype thing. Especially since my 7yr old nephew asked if I was on it cause its so cool. It's not a new idea by any means but one that I have been slacking in doing. PS I love your project. You can bet your bottom dollar I will contribute. (Yes I just said bet your bottom dollar)
